Welcome to the home of Skymaster South Africa! If it is Jets and Jet related we will put you on the            right tract.

           Click on the logos below to visit the brands we sell.

           Skymaster Arf Jets— Model jets in ARF format with top quality landing gear made in Taiwan

           Xtreme Jets— Budget Arf Jets made in China

           Xicoy— Turbine electronics and turbine accessories

           Kingtech—Turbines for jets

           BoomaRC-Powerbus technology and battery management system from down under

          Powerbox-Wold leaders in RC Power Supply Systems


To contact us:

Phone: 0828906601


E-mail: morne.m@pixie.co.za


157 High Street

PO Box 1368


South Africa





Prices subject to R/$ and may change without notice


Your one stop jet shop !